About us

Starting the development into a full-service provider association

The path to recognition

The Extraordinary General Meeting in March 2024 gave the starting signal for our development into a full-service association of pharmaceutical companies in Germany. This meeting, which took place in Frankfurt am Main, was a decisive moment for our association. Important strategic decisions were made there and enshrined in the association's statutes.

New structures and expanded goals

Under the new name “Pharma Deutschland e.V.”, the association will be able to expand the political representation of the industry's interests and represent the entire spectrum of manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, in particular prescription and over-the-counter medicines, material and dental medical devices as well as digital health and care applications. The newly created state association structure will strengthen the industry's presence at state level. This enables us to better address regionally specific concerns and promote stronger networking with local stakeholders.

Pharma Deutschland is the pharmaceutical industry association with the largest number of members in Germany. We represent the interests of around 400 member companies that employ approximately 80,000 people in Germany. Globally active pharmaceutical manufacturers are just as actively involved in the diverse work of the association as the broadly represented medium-sized companies.

New office in Brussels

In order to better represent the German pharmaceutical industry at European level, we are planning to establish our own office in Brussels. This presence will ensure that the issues and interests of the German pharmaceutical industry continue to be heard and influenced in the European context. Our direct proximity to the European institutions will enable us to react more quickly and in a more targeted manner to relevant developments.

Pharma Deutschland members

Besides medicines manufacturers, the membership is also comprised of pharmacists, lawyers, publishing houses and agencies, as well as market research and opinion research institutions. 

Pharma Deutschland member companies contribute enormously to the securing of the supply of medicines in Germany. For example, they produce nearly 80 per cent of the prescription-free medicines sold in pharmacies and almost two thirds of the prescription medicines as well as a major part of the substance-based medical devices, providing patients with products that are both effective and safe.

Pharma Deutschland advocates for secure and responsible self-medication through professional medical and pharmaceutical advice. Therefore, Pharma Deutschland strongly supports the statutory protection of the owner-operated pharmacy as primary institution for distribution.

Contact partner for politics and science

Due to its high degree of professional competence and expert knowledge, Pharma Deutschland is a close contact partner for politicians, authorities and institutions within the healthcare sector, and provides a strong link between various interest groups. In addition to political activities, Pharma Deutschland is engaged in extensive science-based work in the pharmaceutical area. Pharma Deutschland collects and evaluates information on medicines and elaborates opinions on developments in the pharmaceutical sector.

Pharma Deutschland manages these tasks through its offices with about 52 employees. The work of the association is driven and guided by the Management Board and numerous committees and working groups.

International networking & cooperations

  • As a member of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), we use the established structure of the VCI to communicate our concerns more effectively and create synergies. This enables us to pool resources and act more strongly together.
  • Pharma Deutschland is a member of the Critical Medicines Alliance (CMA), which was launched in April 2023 by the European Commission's Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). The Critical Medicines Alliance (CMA) aims to bring together national authorities, industry, healthcare organizations, civil society representatives, the EU Commission and EU agencies to develop strategies to prevent and manage shortages of critical medicines. The focus is on industrial policy in order to supplement the measures proposed by the EU Commission as part of the reform of EU pharmaceutical legislation to solve the problem of supply bottlenecks.
  • The association is since 2024 a member of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI). As part of its reorganization into Pharma Deutschland, the association will establish its regional state associations within the VCI structure.
  • Pharma Deutschland is involved in the Round Table (Industrial) Healthcare Industry (RT IGW) was opened in Novemebr 2022 by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck together with leading representatives of the industrial healthcare sector and his Parliamentary State Secretary Franziska Brantner. This dialog aims to increase the international competitiveness of companies in order to ensure high-quality healthcare.
  • Pharma Deutschland is involved at European level in the AESGP (Association Européenne des Spécialités Pharmaceutiques Grand Public), the European association of pharmaceutical manufacturers. The BAH and its member companies are actively involved in the committees of the AESGP. Through the umbrella organization, the BAH is also involved in the Global Self-Care Federation.
  • Pharma Deutschland supports the Deutsche Akademie für Integrative Medizin (DAfIM) in the organization and implementation of training courses. Pharma Deutschland representatives are also active members of the DAfIM Scientific Advisory Board.
  • Pharma Deutschland member organization action medeor has long been involved in emergency and disaster relief, providing people with essential medicines, medical consumables and medical equipment.
  • On 7 May 2013 Pharma Deutschland - then BAH - and involved companies founded the association “Initiative medicines for children“ (“Initiative Arzneimittel für Kinder”, IKAM). The aim of the association is to support the safe use of medicines in children.
  • Pharma Deutschland is a member of the Sponsors' Association of the Research Center for Pharmaceutical Law at the Philipps University of Marburg. The BAH thus provides material and non-material support to the research center. As a member of the Sponsors' Association, the BAH has the opportunity to actively shape the further development of pharmaceutical law.
  • Pharma Deutschland and other associations founded the Cooperation Phytopharmaceuticals back in 1982. The Phytopharmaceuticals Cooperation is a scientific institution that deals with issues relating to the efficacy and safety of herbal medicinal products.
  • In 1992, Pharma Deutschland - then BAH - and pharmaceutical companies founded the Research Association of Drug Manufacturers (FAH) as a scientific institution for joint research. The aim of the FAH is to organize and carry out cross-company cooperation in research and development work in the field of pre-competition.
  • INTEGRITAS, the “Association for fair advertising of remedies” („Verein für lautere Heilmittelwerbung e.V.”), was founded in 1962 on the initiative of Pharma Deutschland - then BAH. The aim of the association is to preserve fair advertising for medicinal products and related products as an important instrument for fair competition in social market economy, including consumer protection.
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